WorkSafe Victoria
Digital transformation in Government should be design-led to avoid becoming trapped in costly mistakes. Working within the WorkSafe Victoria Innovation Team, we used design research to guide a significant transformation in the way workers and treaters manage the recovery process.
The Problem
Building new products and services that could leverage new technologies being adopted at WorkSafe Victoria, making sure they would be developed from a human-centric perspective to enable significant improvements in the return to work rates.
The Process
We guided and worked together with a team of designers in building a series of products and services. Our scope of work included Ethnographic research, concept development, prototype development and testing and running pilots.
The new products created covered all the key "moments that matter" in the recovery experience, being connected by a unified vision and a human-centric approach. We focused on designing positive outcomes for workers and therefore the WorkSafe insurance scheme.
We created 12 different products that were handed over to the transformation team to be built and be part of the new suite of products for WorkSafe Victoria.